Hope & Spark

Hope & Spark
Hope lies here.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Seeking UNITY in "Unity in Diversity"

Unity in diversity-since childhood I am hearing this phrase. Our teachers have always stressed upon presenting India as an epitome of "Unity in Diversity".Up to some extent I have to believe on it. Ameliorated by sequential breezes of migrations that have become a part of life in India, this country encapsulates 24 languages and numerous dialects spoken by millions of people. This multilingual and  multicultural nation is a home to innumerous communities, groups and  religions.

I do believe in diversity this great country possesses but I am still in search of ....."Unity". I must make it clear that just shouting in a loud unanimous voice that "We are Indians", I don't consider it as Unity. It is a lot more than this. I am in search of a 'driving force' that can unite us for a cause, purpose and for the betterment of the nation.

I saw people speaking aloud for reservations on various grounds and getting political support as well.I am not a pessimist by nature but let's get this fact right--when was the last time they dared to say that my community/religion/group doesn't need any "special status" just because it won't be good for my country? Doesn't it create a rift between the people?Shall I blame presence of diverse groups for this?  The problem is we all are selfish by nature. On one side we ask for "right to equality" and on the other side we ask for "special favors".I must mention here that nobody ever raised voice against reservation given to war widow's kids or the tribals living in pathetic conditions. It means , the concept of reservation shall not be completely discarded but it should be genuine.

When Egypt experienced revolution, some people talked about similar kind of revolution against corruption in India. Those people forgot that, may be Egyptian Revolution wasn't governed by Islam but it was driven by Islam. They all shared a common link between them and we lack that common link. Religion can be extremely powerful weapon against any social or political menace, depends how we interpret and channelize it.

Such movements did start in India also but some found the "saffron robe" communal and some had problem with the poster of "Bharat Mata". It really made me think whether the "cause" was not important enough or do we lack something? What's the use of such diversity that stops you to do the right thing and support a well deserving cause? If a religion can bring a revolution in Egypt why doesn't another can bring out a positive change in the society? When such movements fail, it's not failure of One 'Anna' or 'Ramdev', it's our failure to stand in unity. On first place, why do we even need people like Anna and Ramdev to fight for us? Aren't we capable enough? Yes, we are. But we lack any sort of "driving force"...Alaaassss!!!!!! Test for Unity failed again. 

"Diversity" and "Secularism"are the two most misused words by Indian politicians. Somewhere they understand our weakness very well and exploit it for their vested interests.'Unity' has been deliberately deleted from "Unity in Diversity". They know it, no revolution can yield results and hence they are safe. Who cares till it doesn't affect us directly in any manner? Be it corruption, be it a blast.

The truth is-- Nothing unites us except CRICKET...But I kept my search on.

I have 35 students in my class and they come from 18 different states of India. We never cared about the country, patriotism, India and our responsibility towards the nation. We didn't even blend with each other because some of us don't understand each other's language. A group of people abused India everyday in front of us.We ignored it once, twice, thrice but for the fourth time stood against them. Not only we started giving them an answer, we started reading about India to give them a better answer. Many of us started learning how to file RTIs. 5 or 6 of us took part in IAC movement. We planned and are at the verge of initiating a publication that will be a platform for youth and will help the school students to develop views about current happenings. That " group" unknowingly united us and acted as a "driving force". 

My search for such a "driving force" in India is still on and I am still seeking "Unity"...I am still living "in the vicinity of hope..".

Penned by-
Anubha Shukla